The following subjects are offered at J.S. classes:
- English Studies
- Mathematics
- Business Studies
- Cultural and Creative Art (with Music)
- Christian Religious Studies/Islamic Religious Studies
- History
- Yoruba Language
- French Language
- Basic Science and Technology
- Basic Science
- Basic Technology
- Physical and Health Education
- Computer Studies
- Prevocational Studies
- Agriculture
- Home Economics
- National Value Education
- Civic Education
- Social Studies
- Security Education
The following subjects are offered across the S.S. classes as core subjects:
- English Language
- Mathematics
- Civic Education
- Trade Subject
- Data Processing
- Dyeing and Bleaching
- Catering and Craft Practices
- Marketing
HUMANITIES: Lit-in-English, French, Government, Economics, Islamic Religious Studies, Christian Religious Studies, Yoruba.
SCIENCE: Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics, Computer Science, Geography, Economics.
BUSINESS: Commerce, Financial Accounting, Economics, Office Practice.
TECHNOLOGY: Technical Drawing, Chemistry, Physics, Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics, Computer Science, Geography.
However, irrespective of the department that the student belongs, Biology and French language are compulsory subjects while in S.S.1 and S.S.2. and the total number of subjects expected of them to offer is twelve from which they will select nine when they are about to register for West African Secondary School Certificate Examination in S.S.3 .
Formal school examinations are held thrice a year, one at the end of each term. All students are required to attempt all continuous assessments as the College or the departments may from time to time require.
The school examination is divided into two:
- CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT: Students are continuously assessed in each subject based on the following criteria:
2 Monthly Tests
Take Home Assignments
Weekly Exercises
1 Mid Term Test
The Continuous Assessment is 40% and 30% of the total scores for junior and senior classes respectively.
- END OF TERM EXAMINATION: This takes place at the end of each term. It is 60% and 70% of the total scores for junior and senior classes respectively.
However, promotion to the next class is based on the following:
- average score of the three terms i.e., cumulative score of the student in each subject
- students must have credit pass in English Language, Mathematics and the core subjects
- students must have satisfied other subject requirements of their various departments
- Punctuality and regular attendance in school and classes
- Good behaviour and attitude in school and classes.