Water and Electricity
The College water supply is abundantly unlimited due to the construction of bore-holes. To support the PHCN electricity supply is the availability of generating plant, other smaller generator sets and solar inverters for constant electricity.
Sports and Games
Physical Education is in the curriculum of the college and its responsibility lies solely with the Physical Education Specialist and the Game Masters / Mistresses. There is a great deal of playing ground in the school compound and all students are expected to take active part in sports and games. Football, Table – tennis, Lawn Tennis and Volley- ball and Basket-ball are actively played. There is room for expansion of more sports and games and for this, the College relies considerably on the enthusiasm of teachers and students. There are house competitions. In all these activities and in prizes, points and trophies are presented to winners in various field of activities.
College Library
The College keeps and maintains a well-equipped and standard library to meet the needs of its yearning students. The library is supplied with relevant reference books and course books on regular basis. Students are given full opportunity to read in the library or to borrow books from the library but they are subject to library regulations of the College.